Tuesday, May 24, 2011

New Workplace and Kelowna Home Show

I've spent the last few months adjusting to a new workplace.  The company is Bluegreen Architecture Inc, here in Kamloops BC.  We have an office in Kelowna as well.  (It was formerly Coast Architecture.)  I'm currently doing loads of building technology drafting on a Mac with Vectorworks.  It's very different from what I am accustomed to, but it is working out very well. 

I have done some interior design work, including exterior finish selections.  I'm very excited for a modern house I helped with.  It is being done with a denim blue, warm greys and bright timbers.  Once it is built, I will try to get a photo for the blog.

The Kelowna Home Show was fun this winter.  I helped man the IDIBC / IDC Booth.  We offered free 15 minute consultations with Registered Interior Designers.  I wasn't sure what to expect when I did my shift on the 'design dilemma' sessions, but it turned out to be really fun. 

I learned about a number of places I want to shop at in Kelowna.  One day I will go buy the hot tub with the built-in waterfall. 

I love the twin copper floor lamps, and wish they were built to be outside.  I could put them next to two new wooden lounge chairs and anchor it with a new outdoor carpet.